Thursday, January 3, 2008

Sidebar updat(ed) and some other stuff

Today we have our sidebar updated with our new order form and yes, I know that it's kinda messed up but we'll get to fixing that soon...(it is still usable)

In other news, MiiCom Inc. has since put a hold on producing the rest of the new DashBoard office I mentioned in my last post. I know it sounded like I was making it but I guess I'm not and MiiCom will NOT be continuing the DashBoard office series until further notice.

We also, as you can see above, updated the blog template. We now have a theme of our own and our background will be changing. If you haven't found this theme on our other site, it's because we're selfish and developed our own theme for the site.

Finally, I am announcing an update for the SunSesta BETA web template. This new one will not be useable by users visiting the site but it will show you even more of the "eye candy" interface SunSesta has.

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