Friday, January 4, 2008

iMedia '08 (updated)

MiiCom recently started, but not finished, a project called iMedia '08. (Yes, it's free) It has every feature on like iTV, MiiChat, and MusicX° (now its AmpliFI). The only thing they are working on now is AmpliFI and a bit more with iTV. MiiChat is set and ready but they'll only offer the entire package. I've also heard that AmpliFI will have a feature that connects to your iTunes library for music but I'm not exactly sure. iMedia '08 will work on virtually ANY system because its written in S°ion7 Pro (in other words a really souped up HTML type language). One problem (I think): all of the programs ( except possibly AmpliFI if it connects to iTunes) require internet access. That's all I know for now. Hopefully I'll update later.


Ok, for now, AmpliFI will only show the songs on the top ten list on iTunes. It won't yet have a connection with your iTunes library. Also: there has been a huge recall on iMedia '08. They had a HUGE menu scripting error so they have to re code all of the menus in iMedia '08. They made it basicly imposible to open files on the menu because the files were stored in a folder that was only on their computers. There was also a recall error on functionality between Mac OS X AND Windows.
They figured out that they would have to host on the net on a password protected area (the iMedia '08 package automatically loads in the password, so it's only a problem if you're tryin to access it without the iMedia package.) To be more specific, they wrote this entire package in html on a Mac using their own method of file directories. which on a Mac is: file:///...(the folder)/(the file).sion. But on Windows it's C://(Folder/(the file.exe). Hosting these programs on the net will totally fix that problem.

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