Saturday, December 29, 2007

Three new templates

We now have three new templates along with the other one. They are all available at our other site for viewing purposes. We are going to make them available for download as soon as we can. (we will however try simply letting you copy 'n paste the code as well). Also: if you have a menu set or template or both that you want to be used throughout America, or you want to order a custom template, email us at

(and slideshow update ((which actually dosen't show you that good of a template preview...)))

Templates released:
iEon Web SE (Sion Express) PRO
SunSesta BETA template.
Mii iTemplate (Mac OS X Leopard look-a-like version)

Coming soon:

Windows vista and XP Look-a-like templates
gurly girl
and modern

Order Templates

We haven't made our template generator yet but we think we have another way of ordering templates for you. We're going to make a form on our secondary website so that you can order a template as simple as that! We're also going to be using different templates for EVERY page of the secondary site so you can get a feel for things.

We're also proud to announce that our SunSesta web kit is being launched in beta. You'll see some very VERY stunning graphic effects for FREE!

Friday, December 28, 2007

External Site

We now have another site that has the same name but uses our newest iEon technology all the way. It'll be updated a little more than this but you can get a feel for what our templates look like. Other site

Coming soon: more menu styles for templates.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

SuperNova template update!!!

It's here! The new SuperNova template update! (and boy did it need one!) Email me to customize buttons header and more. (address is


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Today's Lesson

And finally, to top it all off, today's html lesson. How to make a link! Ok first, you'll want to start with . In between the " " (quatation marks), is where the URL of the website goes. In between the ... .com">here is where the name of this site goes. That name will appear as the text you click on to view the link. 


To make a button link, follow these steps:
The first area is an average link. But then we get to the part after that. The "Button" tag where things change. The "Button" tag tells the code to make a button out of the link instead of text. but you still have to END it with the "/Button" tag to make sure you "seal the deal." Hope this helps!

iBrowse 2.3 BETA

's the new BETA version of iBrowse.

iBrowse Update

Ok, I made the little webweb browser yesterday but I get really into it so I added a bit more beef. In short, I'm going to make it better and more "useable". You'll also notice on the right that I've a slideshow of all of our current background images available. (the iEon logo is not one of them) I have the URL's for those of you who like either one of them right here:



Add them in your template where it says -html- body background="add URL here"
(- = < or >

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

WebWeb browser

I've figured out how to make a little webbrowser that works right on your site! have the internet on your site while playing a game on it too! It uses the old X°ion web page to browse

Also, if you want me to make a version with google, or if you just wanna change it yourself and post it as a comment on the blog, go ahead!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Button Maker

Today, I'm gonna show you how to make your very own button. Yeah special huh! Well, They're still very useful when creating menus and such.
Heres an example:

It Appears like this:

hope this helps! :-)


Well, MiiCom is back in buisness. Not that we went out of buisness but we havent, or should I say I havent posted here in a long while. You may or may not have seen my site but if not, i have a link to it here. I'm also going to start developing some templates for websites. It's gonna be a one man job so cut me some slack but I hope you like them. You'll soon hear more and more about my latest project: iMedia '08. Although, it may actually not be out until next year at this time but we'll see. (lol, but if you want more info that's actually useful, check out the iTimes on here.) That's all for now anyway.